About Me

My Name is Steven Callahan aka MightyNifty. I’ve been reviewing and analyzing games for over 5 years. This website will act as a place I can publish reviews and essays about video games. Occasionally these may also be turned into videos, which will be posted both here and on my YouTube channel.


The goal of this project is threefold. First, to share my love of gaming with the world. I believe that when you’re passionate about something, that passion is contagious and using the MightyNifty brand I want to explore the art form to see what makes video games special and how we can better connect with them. Second, I want to learn more about the opinions of others and see how they differ from my own. Active discussion is the best way to learn and I love engaging with others who share this same passion. Lastly, I want to learn about game design and eventually develop games of my own. More on that in the future!

Other Projects

  • Music on Spotify:

  • More Coming Soon!