Star Wars Squadrons Review

Published: 12/21/2020

Release Date: 10/2/2020

Played On: PS5 (VR)

Yet another VR title in a year pretty stacked with releases. Star Wars Squadrons was an absolutely terrible experience through and through. As the second VR game to ever give me motion sickness, once I was done playing I felt like I just rode the tilt a whirl while completely hammered after eating a Fillet-O-Fish… Then a few days later they patched it on PS5 and man this game is great! I’ll be honest, even after the fixes the game is very surface-level. The most boring Star Wars story since Solo, repetitive missions, and some really cheap deaths or vague instructions during missions. But none of that matters because this is still one of the most immersive VR experiences ever. The ships are all a delight to pilot and the sounds and visuals enhance the experience to all new heights being ripped straight from the movies. The customization options and different ships add a ton of replay value and after finishing the campaign, it’s going online that’s the real treat. Getting to test your might in 5v5 matches against real opponents is a blast and keeps things interesting long after the credits roll. All in all, the game is pretty average without VR, but if you have a headset, thanks to the new patch I’d say this is a must-play.

Star Wars Squadrons

The story is boring, the piloting is confusing, and the missions can get frustrating, but the exhileration and childlike sense of wonder one experiences while sitting in the cockpit makes Squadrons a must-play for any Star Wars fan.