Last year's Resident Evil 2 remake was a smash hit, giving a much-needed update to a classic title and bringing some fantastic new ideas along with it. Resident Evil 3's remake is very similar with beautiful graphics, updated level design, and a switch to an over-the-shoulder third person camera. Unfortunately it's not able to hit the same highs as last year's release, but that doesn't mean it's not a great time. Look, I know Nemesis isn't as intimidating as Mr. X was in the previous game, and this game focuses more heavily on action than horror, and it's much shorter than it should be, but it's still a really fun experience. If you played 2 and are looking for more of that, then I can definitely recommend 3 as a solid follow-up, but I will say to temper your expectations and know that it's definitely the inferior experience. Still, with exhilarating setpieces, a good amount of scares, engaging puzzles and game mechanics, the Resident Evil 3 remake is well worth your time and money. Just... avoid the multiplayer. It's pretty boring.