Pumpkin Jack Review

Published: 12/23/2020

Release Date: 10/23/2020

Played On: PC

Sometimes a game comes along that leaves me absolutely stunned. A game that leaves me asking how the developers even pulled off such a feat. Pumpkin Jack is that kind of game, but not for the reasons you may be thinking. Because while the game itself is a fun, varied, short, linear 3D platformer, the most impressive thing about it is that it was almost entirely made by one person. Nicolas Meyssonnier clearly put a ton of work into this project and it shows. A unique setting, fantastic soundtrack, and eye-catching presentation all back up some incredibly fun Medieval-style gameplay. While it only takes about 4 to 5 hours to beat and it does have some of the worst VSync I've ever seen, each level has a new set of new mechanics introduced and a unique boss fight at the end, keeping things fresh. I'll be keeping my eye out to see what Nicholas has in store next, but for now if you hadn't heard of Pumpkin Jack before seeing this video and you're looking for a solid 3D platformer fix, you've gotta put this on your radar.

Pumpkin Jack

A fun game that's limited by its linear nature and occasional pacing issues, Pumpkin Jack is still a fun time for anyone looking for a new Medievil-style game.